Greek Porsche! |
Butchered Lamb and Chicken, Slow roasted with lemon, paprika, garlic, and other delicious spices. Jealous? You should be! It tasted amazing The Greek celebrate Easter through the Orthadox Church’s calendar. This year being unique along with the last as it is on the same date as the easter we celebrate! (Next year is in July woa right?). But god am I happy that I was able to experience this. But before I get ahead of myself I will fill you in on what happened on Thursday, as it will be easier to tell of the celebrations in chronological order.
Thursday was a typical Zak day. I walked about an hour to find a fire department, found it and stayed there for a few hours as it was WAAY too hot to walk back. The two guys working there were great and a lot of fun to talk to. They loved my visit so much that they put the two patches I traded in a display case, and the picture of us (and the Lakeland college shirt) on their computer desktop. I am really happy to announce I have made yet another great impression on a fire department! The photo is also going to be a bigger memory then most as we had no 4th person to take the picture. We ended up parking a car in front of the trucks, used it to make a tripod along with a pen and fire-glove. After about 4 attempts at a picture we got one that we were all happy with! (I will show you all the pics in the “anticipated” slideshow when I get back home).
Band is Marching in! |
That concludes Thursday and brings us into the easter celebrations. I find it really cool that I am able to be in Greece for easter. Greece is one of the most religious countries in Europe. The whole week I have not eaten meat, except for one dinner that had no vegetarian options (Possible one of the reasons why I loved the lamb and chicken so much). Friday was a lets sleep in and go on a hike day. We went to the tallest mountain on the island of Corfu, were a monastery is located. Sadly a giant radio tower was built on top of the monastery (I later asked and it turns out until recent times the monastery was vacant, thus the tower was built). Nonetheless it was still a significant sight with the view and history. You could literally see everything topography wise! It was great! We returned home to eat then all got haircuts! Mine just being a bit shorter then before. The evening of Friday was great as well! We went to a neighbouring village that celebrated the bringing of Christ to the grave through a marching band and mass. The marched up and down the hill several times until there was a small gathering at the church were everyone paid their respects.
Right Before it shatters! |
Cooking the Food! |
Saturday was a different story. Up and out of bed early with no time for a small breakfast and headed to Corfu’s Capitol. Mathis, myself and his family found ourselves thrusted into a huge crowd of people! To start several bands marched through the city in honour of Christ. Priests and mobile masses tailed after them along with alot of over excited tourists. After an hour or so the parade stopped and the cities were cleared of people (for the most part) and what has to be one of the coolest traditions started! Everyone went to the roofs and threw clay pots full of water off! I am talking about HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of pots! Flower beds that decorate the city were destroyed! It was both amazing and a serious cause for concern. Now. Way over due here are teh details on my amazing opener. It is traditional greek to not eat meat the week before Easter Sunday. But on easter Sunday you literally have a feast. There were potatoes, salads, fruits, rices, cheeses and a variety of meats. It was terrifc! The only hot plates were that of the lamb and Chicken. Everything else is traditionally served cold or cooled. Preperation of the food was the most fun though. (Even though my part was minor). Aki (My host) Had us skewer the whole animals while he seasoned and prepped them. NOT a pretty sight hahaha, but nonetheless a good experience. The outcome was more than amazing. I ate so much with everyone that I could barely move!
Skewring the Damn Lamb took forever! |
That is all the interesting stuff! Other then that I have been going to the beach like crazy! I is GREAT! i miss you all and I hope everyone is having a grand time! Until next time!
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