Ta-Daaaaa! |
I had an absolutely terrific time at Linda's house. I these last couple of days are GREAT examples! I had my own personal tour of the fire department in Essen. It was huge and honestly alot of fun :) I still cannot explain how awesome the international community of Firefighters are. Another department we went to was in Dussledorf, the city that is about 30 mins outside of Essen. At this department I was able to get Linda a short Truck Ride. They also were exremely sorry that they could not get my a patch so they gave me a shirt instead!
Essen's main station! |
Evidently I guess most people are seeing a pattern in my vacation huh? Go to a city, go to firehall, go to a new city, go to a new firehall. It is safe to say that this is the grand idea of the trip though! LOVIN' IT! Another spectacular thing I got to see was the Starlight Express Rollerblade Broadway show... Now alot of people have just read that and have gone ??????????. It is not lame, it is amazing and really awesome. I highly suggest you check it out on Youtube. It is easily one of the highlights of my trip. I had one of the best seats (And I got it for free thanks to Linda's mom taking me with her class). My only regret is I did not understand a single word! However it the story line is quite basic - Guy likes girl -> Girl goes with Macho man -> guy needs to prove himself all with Elvis. Peek your curiosity yet??? HIGHLIGHT of my trip. I was also prilidged enough to meet the Mayor of Essen and attend one of his speeches. I am sure it was really interesting :) I'm kicking myself in the arse for not knowing german!
Starlight Express! |
I also went to my FIRST soccer game today. It was alot more fun then I expected! I went with my Kiwi friend Julian whom I met at a party Linda took me to :). It was absolutely awesome! The game was exciting and Julian's house family bought us food and gave me the team's scarf that they had as a gift! The coolest moment was after the first half the announcer literally said (In German of course): I would like to take this moment to welcome our international guest Zak and Julian from Canada and New Zealand. How cool is that! It was a league game too and the stands were crowded with thousands of people! As well as that I was able to go onto a Rope Climbing course with Linda and her class. This was extremely fun! I got to show of my "skills" haha. Coincedently I also looked like Mario (Blue jeans, red shirt, and my harness looked like trouser straps). Hearing the Germans whistle and sing the mario theme song when ever I did something was hilarious!
At the Game! |
I am currently at Mathis's house now, which is in Rheinbach, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. I am also currently having alot of fun :). However! I will wait a couple of days to let you absorb this post and it's few, but nice pictures and wait till I have a little more to say about my visit here! I also have a surprise destination that I have just been invited on! Here is a picture, maybe you can guess were it is??? I am STOKED!
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Any Guesses?? |
Take Care Canada! I will post in a few days!
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