Lake Side View |
I know I promised that I was going to post another comment before I got to Germany but I was unable to because of my power cord for the laptop blew up. Now this not only really sucked because of no computer.... but I seem to have had shut all the power down in the house hahahahaha.... Oh dear.... But judging by the fact I am posting this up- yes I have a new cord... sadly when I come back to Canada I am either going to have to replace it or find a better/smaller converter cause this new cord has a fancy european prong on it.
Anyway, to finish off the adventure in Switzerland. The rest of the visit was still mostly about relaxing. I cannot begin to say how much I appreciate Ruben and his family for taking care of me! The spoiled me with good food and... let's just conclude with the fact they really spoiled me! I would have to say out of the last few days the major conclusion to my trip lies in my visit to both firehalls in Zug, Zurich and attending School again with Ruben. Now Swiss people are VERY conservative. When i told Ruben and his family I planned on going to the departments the general reaction was that I would have to call and schedual an Appointment. Ruben had schedualed me one for Sunday and it was by far the BIGGEST firedepartment I will ever see. They had about 12 main trucks, countless of others (two floors for vehicles, about 24 bay doors on each floor and most were over crowded with vehicles). Then the amount of equipment was insane! They also spoiled me with patches and a whole bunch of other things (hats etc).
Just a Street View of Zug |
Apparantly it was a shock I was given things too... In Zurich I just walked in the bay doors and I got a 3 hour tour of the built in mueseum and hall. Again spoiled with patches and shirts! When i went to School with Ruben the next day everyone was shocked that I was able to get into the department and come out with more then I went in with. So is it because I am Canadian or is the international fire community that amazing??? A bit of both I presume. The man who gave me a tour was awesome. He participated in an Fire-exchange and worked in New York. He said he would never trade that experiance for anything but sadly every crew member he worked with had died in 9/11. I cannot tell you how bad I felt when he said this because it looked like he was really choked up.
I also went to school with Ruben again. This time i attended English, Biology, History. It was amazing, truly alot of fun. Mr. Lake (My Biology Teacher) would feel like he had died and gone to heaven with the program here. They have alot of hands on experiments with disecting, and even used fruit flies to show how genotypes and pheno types change! SO COOL!
I really need to give Ruben and His family a huge thank you for treating me so well! I wish I could have done more for you!!! THANK YOU!
With that I will conclude the end of Switzerland. I have been in Germany for three days now but I will post this on the blog today and that tomorrow. Just so that I can give it in segments. Mom also told me to get my crap together and post more. Now that I have replaced my Laptop cord I guess I have no excuse... Is having fun an excuse???
Ruben and I posing for a Club? |
Anyway Ciao I will post again tomorrow!!!