Woa! Time sure flew!!! Let me catch you up to all the fun things i have been up to :)
A glipse of the destroyed city! |
Naples was a .... bleep hole hahaha to be honest. Our accomodation was great and Tom and I were able to make several friends which made it even better. I do however recommend that if travelling to Naples, you should only go for the Pizza, and if staying in Naples.... Do not go out past 6pm. IT IS HECTIC. the amount of times I or Tom have nearly met out end because of crazy drivers is much to high to count... In Naples we together... Watched Zoolander.... and.... ate Pizza.... mostly because that was the only thing we really could do... (Also we both only went there for the Pizza). On the brightside we did use it as a base point for going to Pompeii. The city of ruines is pretty stunning. The history that shrouds it is intruiging and I cannot stress how sad I am to not know more about it. It is also stunningly more complex then I could have imagined and the only restored/intact peices of architecture was the Brothel and the aphitheater. We went with a group of Great Aussies! I might be meeting up with them in Warszawa this upcoming two weeks!

After Tom and I bid the most amazing Pisa farewell we headed straight off to Pisa our final destination together. The hostel we stayed in was by far the best. It was literally a reforemed house owned by a man named Carlos. This man literally went out of his way to make us feel at home, safe, wanted, and gave us enough free drinks at the bar he worked at to cover a few days stay! (But that is another story ahaha). Upon arrival guess who we met? TWO CANADIANS! it was great! They were even west side, so the little tension that could have existed didnt! The very first night we all decided to go see the tower. It took us a bit to get there and yes we did the most tourist thing ever, however I was kicking it down and Ashlynn (The Vacouver Girl) was holding it up. It was freaking hilarious! The pain I woke up with in my leg from all the balance was outragous. It took us several pictures and twenty mins of attempts to get it right.Or semi-decent. We returned the next day (after a wonderful night of free... non...alchoholic beverages) to see the tower in Better light. Did MORE tourist photos, then realized that there really isnt anything else to do in Pisa.
We all layed on the grass for several hours until I convinced our group to go to the fire department. Everyone was a little shy and nervous at first but after the amazing hospitality, free beverages, tour and chance to wear the equipment/go in the trucks everyone was great! Not only did it kill an hour, it was also great to share my passion with a few others. The next day we said good bye to our Vancouver friends (as they went to Naples) and we headed to a beautiful location called Cinque Terre. This was a 5 hour hike located on the coast and GOD it was beautiful. The hike took Tom and I through 4 towns (5 however the middle town trail was closed so we had to take a train). It was stunning, the coast is so beautiful. I love it! The hike itself was easy, a little long... but the pictures and memories it created were absolutely worth it! I am so happy Tom convinced me to go there :) Good on you Tom!

After the Hike Tom and I went back to the Hostel, grabbed a beer and basically in a manly way said we would miss each other. Cause all that emotional stuff is for wusses ;) hahaha. He was going to head west and travel through France and Spain, then slowely make his way up the the Netherlands. He might also pop by in Warsaw to see me seing as I may have my own flat :) Now that would be awesome! Packing the next day was nothing fun. Throughout my travels I am happy to say I have not bought any useless merchandise (exempting Kaeds gift) or fallen through on tourist traps. Yet my bag has grown at a huge and consistent rate of Firefighting gifts from various halls. Italy was no Exception.... the amount of shirts I have gotten is INSANE, to the point I started "accidently" forgetting them at the hostel or firedepartment. It has given me a few gift ideas though :)
A little Spartan Love in Italy |
relatively smooth until I decided to get off at Zug and retrieve the package my mom had sent 2 months ago (that just arrived haha). As great as it is to have some fancy clothes, my bags did not need it- and it messed my train schedual up. I hopped onto the next available train and made my way to Zurich. Were a kind swiss girl told me there were two stations and that this was not the one I wanted (She apologized ALOT after she realised her mistake haha). Luckily another man helped me find my destination afterwards, in total this put me about 1.5 hours behind schedual. When I made it to Basel I was told their were no more trains running to Mathis's house because it was too late! ARRGHHH. Guess who spent a night at the YMCA? This guy. (Totally was not bad though, but the building was dead. I had a room of 8 and only shared it with an awesome Korean guy).
Tom Loves this Trip!!! |
The next day, after another 4 hour train ride I was in Rhienbach waiting for Mathis! Now the fact I was in such a familiar place was awesome. I love Mathis and his family as they are so good to me. It is the second day and i already have had a blast! BBQ is amazing. Tonight we are going for seconds at his Girlfriends house. Fortune is smilling on me! I am also in the midst of getting ready for Poland! Poland take 2 is going to be awesome! I will have my own flat dead center Warsaw in an amazing location (the old town). I will also be taking polish language courses and going to the gym. I am super excited and happy to be going back to Poland! I need to get my crap together with the language however so I can make new friends! Many of mine are in exam mode so bothering them will have to wait until the weekends!
Exhausted After a huge days Travel! |
Until the next post! I hope everyone is great! I am missing home!
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