I write to you on my lovely 12.5 hour trip to Zug, Switzerland. I am not going to lie but it is an EXHAUSTING train trip. I cannot say how happy I am that the scenery outside the window is this amazing though. If it were not I think I would scream. Getting back to were I left off... The last day I had in Warsaw was really quiet at first. NOTHING happened hehe. I had said good bye to Basia and Gosia as I would be staying with Balthazar that night because he would be coming to prague with me the next day. Unexpectedly though I met a girl on the bus going back to his house.
Let me tell you I know some pretty cheesy lines and stereotypical suave moves- more so jokes right? But I used them and they worked. The girl could non-stop smile at me so I asked her out and she said absolutely! I was to either go visit her at work or pick her up at after work at 1am. Balthazar and I were to meet my house family for a bit and then I would go see her. After an outrageously fun time with my house parents Balthazar dropped me off and I walked down to go meet her. I could not find her but she found me! This girls face lit up and she ran down from the stage... yes she was one of the proffesional dancers. I swear to god it was a good thing we left shortly after because about 10 guys turned jealous and sour really quick. We had an amazing date and I was shocked at how happy she was with me and the quickness to say “crap! Why do you have to go tomorrow! I’ll miss you”!
The date was great, and so was she. I cannot wait to see her again when I come back to Warszawa after Italia. Nice guys finish last. Moral of the story J (Also my crap pick up lines hehehe Anyone see Public Enemies? I’ll stop talking about this cause I believe truly I can go on forever. Let me write a few sentences about Prague.
Suit up. |
Now as for Praga (Prague) in Czech Republic. Balthazar had awesomely decided to come with me which made my trip even better!!! We saw all the stereotypical things like the old town and Castle. We went to a few Muzeums (Including A lego one and the communist history museum). It was great. Especially the flash backs to learning about the Velvet revolution and other aspects about the uprising in Prague. We also that the memorial to Jan, the student who lit himself on fire i protest of the Communist reign. The buildings were as beautiful as everyone said they would be and the nightlife was great! We went on a few pub crawls. Remember this is important history too as Czech is the Capitol Beer country of the world. I wish there was more to say but in the 4 days we stayed we saw everything. We went on walking tours and self designed tours of getting lost and going “ooooh hey! That is cool”.
Balthazar and I did split ways though as he has to get back to school and I am impatiently waiting to see Ruben. The beginning of the trip was great and alot of fun but at this point I just want to move! I will post this as soon as I have access to the internet, and can find some good pictures to post.
I miss you all! And I hope you are having an awesome time!